You And The Laws of Attraction
You and The Laws of Attraction is an interactive, informational podcast that demonstrates to you, how to effectively use the Laws of Attraction, every time, to manifest what you want! You will get clarity and understanding on what the individual Laws are and what they can do for you. You will see the power of your spoken word and how you maybe setting into motion things that you don’t want to happen in your life. This podcast is for people who are, serious, about creating the life they want to live. Each show, provides the fundamental elements, which are the keys that unlock the mystery, of how to consciously manifest what you want, on demand. The secret of the law of attraction is understanding the Universal Laws and using them accurately. Join me, Dr. Wendy Dearborne.
![Can You Tell Me Where Exactly God Is?](
Wednesday Mar 29, 2017
Wednesday Mar 29, 2017
This is a question that believers and non believers have asked themselves for as long as man has been in existence. Where exactly is God? There are raging debates about the existence of God; who, what and where God is located. And yet, we have been told categorically God is everywhere, within you, in heaven, in the that rock or piece of carved wood, above you, below you and everywhere in between. These questions have given rise to a global trillion dollar self-help industry, and have kept the zillion dollar traditional church industry/ministries in business. From New Age to Evangelic Ministries and everything in between, including Wiccan and Paganism all claim to have the answers that people are seeking when trying to find God. So, where do you think God is?Join me Dr. Wendy Dearborne Choice Expert and Intrinsic Life Coach and Olivia Lashley Expressions Coach And Artist as we weigh in on this subject.
![Get Off The Self-Help Merry-Go-Round Going Nowhere](
Wednesday Mar 22, 2017
Wednesday Mar 22, 2017
Stop! Enough! No More Self-help Books, Webinars, Seminars Or Retreats Get off this self imposed merry-go-round to nowhere.How many more self-help books are you going to read? How many more webinars and seminars are you going to listen to? How many more retreats are you going to attend? How much more advice are you going to seek before you take conscious and decisive action on what you want for your life? Being a perpetual student of spirituality is a wonderful thing. Consciously gathering knowledge filled with its latent power is a must, yet how much knowledge is needed before you take action? You see, knowledge without action is just knowledge. Taking right action on the spiritual knowledge you have acquired is a transformative thing. Not only does the knowledge become a powerful force, supporting your forward momentum, it creates the invisible Universal dynamics needed for transformational change in your life. If you are looking for a way to transform your life, then take action by using the knowledge you have acquired year after year, after year to achieve your desired goal.Join me Dr. Wendy Dearborne Choice Expert and Intrinsic Coach and Olivia Lashley Expressions Coach and Artist as we explore getting off the self help merry-go-round and using the power of your spiritual knowledge base to achieving your dreams.
![I’m Not Broken I’m Not Damaged And I Don’t Need To Be Fixed](
Wednesday Mar 15, 2017
Wednesday Mar 15, 2017
When things go wrong in life, as they are apt to do, people naturally experience setbacks. Sometimes this setback literally means that they hit rock bottom. Sometimes the rug is pulled from under them and other times it feels like they have been rended in two. If you have experienced you very own personal setback and hit bottom or have been rended in two, it doesn’t mean that you are broken, damaged and or in need of fixing. What it might mean for you is an opportunity to choose a new and fresh start with an excellent foundation to build upon.Join me Dr. Wendy Dearborne Choice Expert and Intrinsic Coach and Olivia Lashley Expression Coach and Artist as we explore what we can do when things go wrong in our lives and we’ve been torn in two.
![Am I Doing The Right Thing: Working At What I’m Good At But It’s Not My Passion?](
Wednesday Mar 08, 2017
Wednesday Mar 08, 2017
Is what you are doing in life your passion? Or is what you’re doing how you make money? The distinction between the two is important. There is a huge difference between the two. And I can hear you asking, “But, can’t it be both?” Actually, no, it can’t. Many would disagree and disagree venomously, yet the Universal Law of Space clearly states that no two things can occupy the same space”at the same time.” Many people have missed out on living their dream life because they have chosen not to pursue their passion. “Get a real job,” they say. ”And do your passion on the side, you know, because artists starve and people of that ilk live a hand to mouth existence.” So, where does that leave you in your understanding of what’s at stake and wanting to pursue your passion?To learn more about the Laws of Attraction and what action you can take in your life visit The Laws of Attraction In ActionJoin me Dr. Wendy Dearborne, Choice expert and Intrinsic Coach and Olivia Lashley Intrinsic Expression Coach and Artist as we explore working and working your passion.
![The Art of Visualization And Manifestation](
Wednesday Feb 22, 2017
Wednesday Feb 22, 2017
If you have ever created a vision board or used conscious visualization to support you in manifesting what you want or if you are just curious about the process then this show is for you. Seeing is believing! And while that may smack of being a little ambiguous, seeing truly is believing. But not in the sense that in order to believe in something you must first see it in its tangible form. The ability to see something before it comes into physical form start way before. It begins with The Art of Visualization. Many people use only a portion of the Universal Law of Visualization and as a result experience challenges with getting what they want in life.Join me Dr. Wendy Dearborne Choice Expert and Intrinsic Life Coach and Olivia Lashley Expression Coach and Artist as we look at visualization, the Universal Law and you.
![How Do I Start Getting My Life On Track?](
Wednesday Feb 15, 2017
Wednesday Feb 15, 2017
Are you struggling to move forward and attain your desired goals? Health, wealth, love, career, business, money etc? Well you are not alone. Millions of people are experiencing the same struggle as you. In todays show we will be discussing the importance of the right “self talk” and give you three implementable solutions that can help you get your life on track. Join me Dr. Wendy Dearborne Choice Expert and Intrinsic Coach and Olivia Lashley Expression Coach and Artist as we explore three ways of getting your life on track.#attractioners #thelawsofattractioninaction #choiceexpert #choices #Entrepreneur
![Are Your Actions Getting You What You Want?](
Wednesday Feb 08, 2017
Wednesday Feb 08, 2017
What action are you taking in your life that is creating the things that you want to manifest? And is the action you are taking, the right action? You see, if you don’t take the right action you will not experience your desired results. Most people miss this nuance and as a result or reaction for missing this step they never seem to manifest what they desire. James 2:17 states, “Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.”The Universal Law of Action simply states, “that you must do something mentally and or physically to support the things that you want to manifest in your life.” It’s important to understand that action works in tandem with reaction. What this means is that the work(s) that you need to do to bring your faith alive is to take the action that will initiate and sustain the thing you want to manifest. The manifestation is the reaction. Let’s look at this way, if you have a kite you want to launch without having all the requirements in place, including the wind to support your action, here’s what will happen; it won’t take off and or its flight will not be sustained. And so it is with your dreams and your desires.Join me Dr. Wendy Dearborne Choice Expert and Intrinsic Coach and Olivia Lashley Expression Coach and Artist as we explore the Universal Law of Action.Click link to join the facebook group; The Laws of Attraction In Action#attractioner #thelawsofattractioninaction #choiceexpert #choices #Entrepreneurs
![What Role Does Value Play In Your Life?](
Wednesday Feb 01, 2017
Wednesday Feb 01, 2017
Most people really don’t think in terms of value when making a choice. Perhaps it’s fair to say most people tend to think what’s in it for me. We tend to think in terms of likes or dislikes or the unfavorable or favorable end result. It’s important to understand that everything that we do in life reflects it relative worth, merit or importance to us. The Universal Law of Value, not to be confused with Marx’s law of value simply states that everything that happens for your life has meaning and worth. Join me Dr. Wendy Dearborne Choice Expert and Intrinsic Life Coach and Olivia Lashley Expression Coach and Artist as we explore the Universal Law of Value, you and making your life happen.#thelawsofattractioninaction #choiceexpert #itsmylifemychoice #choices #attractioners
![What Are You Using Your Imagination For?](
Wednesday Jan 25, 2017
Wednesday Jan 25, 2017
As we begin to scratch the surface on the power of self talk, we begin to explore the Universal Laws or Spiritual Laws that support greater understanding behind self talk. Our imagination is where we live. Mystics have throughout the ages told us that to consciously manifest what we desire we must first use our imagination. We must go to where we live. The imagination has a couple of purposes; the correlation of subconscious and conscious thoughts, images and feelings and communication and expression of those thoughts, images and feelings. So, could there be a greater purpose for your imagination than what you are using it for? And, what are you using your imagination for? Join me Dr. Wendy Dearborne Choice Expert and Intrinsic Life Coach and Olivia Lashley Expression Coach & Artist as we delve into the imaginary world of our imagination.Join our Facebook live interactive group for downloadable worksheet, live tutorials and more...#thelawsofattractioninaction #choiceexpert #itsmylifemychoice #choices #attractioners #entrepreneur #womeninbusiness
![I Can’t Speak To Me Like That Can I?](
Wednesday Jan 04, 2017
Wednesday Jan 04, 2017
How you speak to yourself is how your life will unfold. 2017 is all about understanding the need to consciously direct your self-talk in a way that is conducive to you achieving or experiencing what you want for your life. Most people are unaware that their self-talk is undermining the very thing that they say they want and are striving for. Given that you are speaking to yourself 24 hours per day and 365 days a year and this talk is creating your life, it is in your best interest to consciously enter into a productive dialog with self. This takes clarity, organization and execution and practice, practice, practice. Join me Dr. Wendy Dearborne Choice Expert and Intrinsic Life Coach and Olivia Lashley Expression Coach and Artist as we explore self talk.