You And The Laws of Attraction
You and The Laws of Attraction is an interactive, informational podcast that demonstrates to you, how to effectively use the Laws of Attraction, every time, to manifest what you want! You will get clarity and understanding on what the individual Laws are and what they can do for you. You will see the power of your spoken word and how you maybe setting into motion things that you don’t want to happen in your life. This podcast is for people who are, serious, about creating the life they want to live. Each show, provides the fundamental elements, which are the keys that unlock the mystery, of how to consciously manifest what you want, on demand. The secret of the law of attraction is understanding the Universal Laws and using them accurately. Join me, Dr. Wendy Dearborne.
![Step Into Your Power Base And Let Go of Disempowerment](
Wednesday Apr 13, 2016
Wednesday Apr 13, 2016
You are powerful beyond measure. What or who has made you believe otherwise? Failure isn’t a yardstick by which you beat yourself with. Failure is an amazing gift. In fact, it’s a blessing that is designed to set you upon the right pathway, for you to create the life that you are wanting to live. If you have experienced that sinking gut wrenching feeling of disempowerment and abject failure, then I’m happy to tell you that you have experience your first taste of true empowerment. Is this paradoxical? No! It’s factual. It’s all in the view finder lens that you choose to cover your inner or all Seeing Eye with.Join me Dr. Wendy Dearborne choice expert and life coach and Olivia Lashley expression life coach and artist as we look at stepping out of powerlessness, into your all powerful base.
![Am I Asking The Right Questions of God?](
Wednesday Apr 06, 2016
Wednesday Apr 06, 2016
We talk to God. We pray to God. We beseech God, rale, cry and scream at God. We walk with God. We have other people liaise with God on our behalf. We accept the blessings bestowed upon us by God, and readily reject that which we call accursed. We do all of this on a daily basis and, yet, are we asking the right questions of God? The current state of your life, your health, wealth, finances and your relationship with self and others will answer that question for you. Talking with God isn’t something that you can learn, as in how to pray or recite an affirmation. All that is good and has its place in our spiritual evolvement, yet, talking to God isn’t something that you learn; it’s something that you do. It’s intrinsic or inherent to who you are. The ability to speak with God, and be heard by God is something that you came into being with. So, are you asking the right questions of God?Join me Dr. Wendy Dearborne choice expert and life coach and Olivia Lashley expression coach and artist as we explore our ability to communicate with God.
![Is My Perfectionism Preventing Me From Achieving My Goals](
Wednesday Mar 30, 2016
Wednesday Mar 30, 2016
Is my desire to be perfect preventing me from moving forward in my life? Perfectionism when in control allows you to be at the top of your game by providing that razor shape edge that makes you stand above the rest. Perfectionism when out of control is a subterfuge for fear of failure. It’s a self imposed limiting belief. It’s easier to set your bar to an unattainable level, that way you never have to face what people may or may not have to say about you and or your work. You work very hard at the thing you are producing, but never ever produce a finished product. You see, it’s always in the making, because it can always be better. Are you using your perfectionism as a smoke screen to hide behind, or to put you at the top of your game?Join me Dr. Wendy Dearborne choice expert and Olivia Lashley expression coach and artist as we look at what limiting beliefs and perfectionism.
![Your Life Is A Contractual Agreement You Made With God](
Wednesday Mar 23, 2016
Wednesday Mar 23, 2016
Have you ever wondered about the people in your life, especially those, who to put it mildly, you can’t abide to be around or being around them drives you to drink? We make agreements with other souls, who are members of what is called our soul cluster and we are members of theirs. The idea is that we’ll support each other to attain our highest soul growth, by what appears to be, any means necessary. We are all in this dimension under a spiritual contract. And it’s a contract of choice that has been made of our choosing with the assistance of God and our celestial helpers. This contractual agreement, we make prior to incarnating or being born into this life. Our agreement is binding. It’s a contract!!!! We have created it for our soul growth, which ultimately is achieve by fulfilling our predestine life's purpose. Our agreements are based on the mutual understanding that the relationship is ultimately about our personal and individual soul growth. We are here for our own life/soul experiences and much like a supporting cast in a movie, we are also here, should we choose to support others in having theirs and allow them to support us in having ours. Today’s show is to bring into your awareness two points; We have chosen the life that we are living, yet even within that paradigm we are governed by the Universal Law of Freewill or Choice.Some of the worst experience that you have had with people, places and things can mean that they are the closest to you in spirit and catapulting you forward on your journey. Join me, Dr. Wendy Dearborne choice expert and coach and Olivia Lashley expression coach and artist as we look at why people, places and things show up in your life.
![Enough No More Excuses They Muddle The Laws of Attraction](
Wednesday Mar 16, 2016
Wednesday Mar 16, 2016
Did you know your ability to use the Laws of Attraction to manifest what you want for your life, whether consciously or unconsciously is negatively impacted when you make an excuse? We all have used excuses for a myriad of reasons to communicate what’s going on with us. Sometimes it’s to explain away a situation that impacted you that you had no control over; a ten car pileup on the freeway that made you late for an appointment. You may use excuses as a way to apologize, or to ask for forgiveness, to explain something away and or as a way of justification. The underlying energy that is prevalent in an excuse, is to justify our behavior, because, inadvertently, our action has impacted someone else negatively. There is another side to making excuses that people don’t generally think about, yet, nonetheless they are effect in every way every day. Your excuses are impacting your ability to manifest what you want in your life. Join me Dr. Wendy Dearborne choice expert and coach and Olivia Lashley expression coach and artist as we look at the power excuses wield in our lives.
![Food The Ultimate Sacrifice And The Laws of Attraction](
Wednesday Mar 09, 2016
Wednesday Mar 09, 2016
Food The Ultimate Sacrifice And The Laws of AttractionIt’s a fact, we are what we eat! Everyone has an opinion about food, their people’s food and what it means to the global tribe they belong to. Food is divvied up by cultural, traditional, spirituality, medicinal, geographical, regional North, South, East, West or Central properties. Also, everyone has opinions about other people’s food and how it is prepared. We know our personal likes and dislike along with our sensitivities. We also know what foods will bring us the most comfort when feeling down, blue or just blah. Our foods tend to be categorized not for the nutrients it provides, but by taste and emotional value it imparts to our lives. Lips will curl bearing incisors; hands are thrown up as if warding off an aggressor and shudders will run through our bodies, when we think about ingesting something that we really dislike. Conversely our faces take on a blissful glow when we eat something that literally catapults us into our personal space of nirvana. We are all aware of what the powers to be deem best for us to eat, thus, ensuring that we live long and vibrant and healthy lives. What we haven’t taken into account, is that food, all food, whether animal, vegetable or mineral plays a major role in how we use the Universal Laws of Attraction and impacts how we show up in life. Join me Dr. Wendy Dearborne, choice expert and coach and Olivia Lashley, expression coach and artist as we speak about food and the ultimate sacrifice is plays in the Laws of Attraction.
![The Art of Make Belief & The Laws of Attraction](
Wednesday Mar 02, 2016
Wednesday Mar 02, 2016
People struggle with believing their OWN visualizations and thoughts. People find it challenging to hold their vision make believing that what they’re wanting to attract into their lives will manifest. It’s important to understand that within the Laws of Attraction the action of "make belief" is paramount for you to manifest what you are wanting. How well do you make believe? If you take an honest look at your life and everything that is going on and has gone on, you will see how accurately you're able to make believe. This isn't about what you believe. This speaks of your inner truth; what you "BELIEVE" about what you are choosing to believe. This is where your ability to use the Universal Laws of Attraction becomes ALL powerful for you.It’s so important to understand the nuances when using the Laws of Attraction. More importantly, it’s imperative you understand how the Laws work independently of your conscious awareness. This is why you’ve found yourself saying, “How did I get here? Or I don’t believe this has happened to me again!” Checkout the tutorial Understanding The Laws of Attraction Part IJoin me, Dr. Wendy Dearborne choice expert and Olivia Lashley expression coach and artist and let's talk about make believing, you and the Universal Laws of Attraction.
![Did You Hear When God Spoke Directly To You?](
Wednesday Feb 24, 2016
Wednesday Feb 24, 2016
Do you hear when God speaks directly to you? Are you missing divine opportunities to create the life that you have asked for? You know that seemingly random thought that popped into your mind? You know the one that you pooh poohed!? Well that was your divine message. It was God/The Universe answering your question on how you can efficiently and expediently make money, find your soul mate, get healthier, start a business, build a foundation, lose weight etc, and be of service to the world at the same time. That was your co-created opportunity being presented to you. And you missed it! So, now what you gonna do?Join me Dr. Wendy Dearborne choice expert and Olivia Lashley expression coach and artist as we explore you, the Universal Laws of Attraction and divine messages.
![The Laws of Attraction And Communication](
Wednesday Feb 17, 2016
Wednesday Feb 17, 2016
What does communication mean to or for you? Whatever it means to, or for you, it boils down to how you transmit and receive information. Communication is key in the development of your internal and external relationships. And you are in a relationship with everything in your world. Using the Laws of Attraction consciously or unconsciously is dependent on your ability to communicate in an effective way, what you are wanting to experience for your life. The message or communiqué goes to the point of creation to be made manifest. Communication is about you sharing yourself and receiving self on an energetic level.Join me Dr. Wendy Dearborne choice expert and Olivia Lashley expression coach and artist, as we look at communication you and the Universal Laws of Attraction.
![The Universal Law of Equipoise What You Need To Know](
Wednesday Feb 10, 2016
Wednesday Feb 10, 2016
There is always movement in the Universe, irrespective of what it might look like or feel like and or sound like, nothing is ever still. When you are asleep, or in a deep meditative stance you are always moving. Energy is either moving into form, that’s into creation or moving out of form which is decreation. But, whatever energy is doing it’s doing it with a balanced purpose. The only way that creation and decreation or better yet, the manifestation of what you are wanting to come into your life can take place, is if you uphold the tenants of the Universal Law of Equipoise. Equal energy is applied to both the creation and the decreation of things. This Universal Law speaks to us about maintaining a balance. We need to maintain balance for our manifestations to take place. i.e. You can’t expect to not run into bad drivers, if you're always cussing and fussing about how incompetent people are when they get behind the wheel of their cars. Understanding how this Law works can be the difference between you getting what you want for your life and never quite hitting your mark.Join me, Dr. Wendy Dearborne choice expert and life coach along with Olivia Lashley expression coach and artist as we look at the Universal Law of Equipoise and how it supports you in using the Universal Laws of Attraction more efficiently.