You And The Laws of Attraction
You and The Laws of Attraction is an interactive, informational podcast that demonstrates to you, how to effectively use the Laws of Attraction, every time, to manifest what you want! You will get clarity and understanding on what the individual Laws are and what they can do for you. You will see the power of your spoken word and how you maybe setting into motion things that you don’t want to happen in your life. This podcast is for people who are, serious, about creating the life they want to live. Each show, provides the fundamental elements, which are the keys that unlock the mystery, of how to consciously manifest what you want, on demand. The secret of the law of attraction is understanding the Universal Laws and using them accurately. Join me, Dr. Wendy Dearborne.
![Cancel That: How To Stay Focused On Your Goals](
Wednesday Feb 03, 2016
Wednesday Feb 03, 2016
One of the biggest challenges that many of you face on a second by second, minute by minute basis is keeping your mind focused on your intention. Your intention is what you want to manifest for your life. However, I am painfully aware of the truth in this adage “energy flows where your attention goes.” So, it’s imperative that you stay focused on what you're wanting to manifest for your life and not the things that have already come and gone. And this is where the challenge lies, in finding ways to stay in alignment with the Universal Laws of Attraction, so what you are wanting to come into manifestation inadvertently isn't canceled out. You can’t control your thoughts, but you can control how you react to them. This is what this show is all about today, providing you with a simple workable strategy that helps you control how you react to your thoughts. Join me, Dr. Wendy Dearborne choice expert and coach and Olivia Lashley expression coach and artist as we give you insight on techniques that will support you in staying in alignment with your desired goals.
![Did You Know That You Are Co-Creating Your Life With God?](
Wednesday Jan 27, 2016
Wednesday Jan 27, 2016
Some people are aware of the co-creation process. And others have only given their ability to consciously co-create with God, nothing more than a cursory thought, and, that’s usually in hindsight or as an afterthought. But for the vast majority of people, even those who do have a cursory understanding, this knowledge of manifesting and co-creating what they want in life, and how to use the tools they’ve been given to achieve this remains almost illusive. Why is this? Why is it that something so powerful, something so important to your very existence goes virtually unnoticed? Some of this is due to traditional, cultural, societal, religious and or spiritual doctrines and practices. And for others, it’s because of the way that life unfolds, most never see the role they play nor that of the participants involved in the manifestation process. Many are under the impression that things just happen. And as a result YOU are not cognizant of the power YOU have over your life and your manifestation process. You, me, we are co-creating our lives with the Universal Creator of all things, via the Laws of Attraction, initiated into action with our thoughts, word and deeds. Join me, Dr. Wendy Dearborne choice expert and life coach along with Olivia Lashley expression coach and artist as we look at your role in the co-creation process with God.
![Healing Your Body Using The Universal Laws of Attraction](
Wednesday Jan 20, 2016
Wednesday Jan 20, 2016
We’ve been sold a bill of goods, which sadly most of us have bought into and the recompense has been poor health, poor life, poor me and the loss of how to heal oneself. The price paid has been way, way, way too high. We paid with the spiritual currency, of self. And for the return on our investment, we lost conscious connection with self. We’ve replaced the connection with goods that we bought. We’ve been told to look outside of self for both the causations in our lives and the cures for our lives. We have been told that it’s okay not to take ownership and responsibility for the state of our mind, body and our overall health. We paid for the knowledge that there is a pill or something outside of self that can fix us. We’ve bought into the LIE, and it is a whopper, that it’s okay to assign accountability and blame to people, places and things when we find ourselves in a mental, emotional and physical and yes spiritual deficit. The Universal Laws of Attraction are our conduits for the manifestation of all the good expressions that we want to experience in our lives. Whether you believe this or not has no bearing on the fact that this is so. If you want to experience your version of good health, wealth, soul enrichment, love, peace and joy etc. you need to take your life back. Join me Dr. Wendy Dearborne choice expert and life coach and Olivia Lashley expression coach and artist as we look at healing your body using the Universal laws of Attraction.
![Am I Hunting Down What I Want or Am I Attracting it?](
Wednesday Jan 13, 2016
Wednesday Jan 13, 2016
Many people use The Laws of Attraction to go on a hunt for what they want to manifest in life. They approach the process of getting what they want like bringing down the manifestation; much like a lioness does to a gazelle on the Serengeti. With the first law in the Laws of Attraction being Choice/Freewill you get to CHOOSE how to use the Laws, and can use them in any which way that you please. However, it’s important to note that there is a marked difference between hunting and attracting. While both require the expenditure of mental and physical energy, along with clarity, planning, end date, and executable and quantifiable action steps, they are as different as day is to night. “to pursue with a single minded force or endeavor to obtain at all costs.”“to draw in with a single minded force causing approach at all costs.”Join me, Dr. Wendy Dearborne, choice expert and Olivia Lashley, expression coach and artist as we look at the manifestation process of hunting vs. attracting using the Universal Laws of Attraction.
![Freedom: Is It A Blessing or A Curse?](
Wednesday Jan 06, 2016
Wednesday Jan 06, 2016
Freedom! What does that mean to you? Is it a blessing or a curse? The Divine Universal Creator has imbued us with Universal Law of Freedom; and it’s not a gift, but a birthright. For each of us freedom means something different, yet, in the end it will give each of us the same thing; the power to choose how we use our spiritual and physical currency…and I’m not only referring to money. Or put another way, freedom gives us the power to choose how we use our minds to think and the action we take to create what we want for our lives. Choice is the embodiment of freedom and freedom is the embodiment of choice. It’s the power to determine for self without constraints or interference from external forces. Join me Dr. Wendy Dearborne choice expert and coach and Olivia Lashley expression coach and artist as we explore freedom and the role it plays in our lives.
![Now What Ya Gonna Do 2016 Has Kicked Your Door In?](
Wednesday Dec 30, 2015
Wednesday Dec 30, 2015
With 2016 kicking your door in, now would be the time to take a look at 2015 from an aerial vantage point with an objective eye. You’re looking for your successes, wins and accomplishments, both small and large. You’re looking at the things that didn’t pan out and what you are wanting to do with them. You’re looking at the bad things that happened and seeing how they have impacted your life for the better. In short you are looking at 2015 as a major stepping stone to creating what you are wanting for the 525,600 minutes of 2016. Join me, Dr. Wendy Dearborne choice expert and coach and Olivia Lashley expression coach and artist as we look at 2015 and how to use our experiences to support us in 2016.
![Forgiver Or Forgiven Who Benefits The Most?](
Wednesday Dec 23, 2015
Wednesday Dec 23, 2015
Forgiveness, who benefits the most, the forgiven or the forgiver? We have been taught a one-sided beneficent power of bestowing our forgiveness on people, places and things, whom we feel have transgressed against us in some shape or form. For the most part we possess a seriously skewed perception of what forgiveness is and who the forgiver and forgiven is. We have virtually no idea what occurs energetically, when with righteous indignation we withhold our forgiveness or with righteousness we bestow it. The Universal Law of Forgiveness is resolute. And this Law has one function and one function only. Join me Dr. Wendy Dearborne choice expert and coach and Olivia Lashley expression coach and artist as we explore the function of the Universal Law of Forgiveness.
![The Truth About The Universal Law of Truth](
Wednesday Dec 16, 2015
Wednesday Dec 16, 2015
Do you know the difference between your truth and belief? Your truth is one of your personal Universal Laws that is used for the manifestation of what you are wanting to create for your life. Your truth is the LAW upon which the foundation of your belief and belief systems are built. Your truth is where you live; it’s how you show up in life and how life shows up for you. Your truth is the adhesive that bonds you to your word, and thus to what you choose to believe. Your truth dictates how you used the first Universal Law in the Laws of attraction. Join me, Dr. Wendy Dearborne choice expert and coach and Olivia Lashley expressions coach and artist as we look at what’s the truth about the Universal Law of Truth and you.
![Do I Need to Be Disciplined For The Law of Attraction To Work?](
Wednesday Dec 09, 2015
Wednesday Dec 09, 2015
Discipline: Definition: activity, exercise, or a regimen that develops or improves a skill; a training. As a Universal Law, Discipline adds much value to your manifestation process. Much like belief, faith, silence, gratitude and space, discipline is one of the Universal pillars that support you in staying focused on your objectives. Discipline improves usability, efficiency and productivity of all the other Universal Laws. It hones and sharpens their individual and collective actions. Like all the other Laws, when not used correctly the Universal Law of Discipline will show you what needs to be done, allowing you to course correct and keep yourself on track.Without consciously using the Universal Law of Discipline, it makes it that much harder to navigate the Law of Attraction and manifest what you are wanting for you life.Join me Dr. Wendy Dearborne choice expert and coach and Olivia Lashley expression coach and artist as we look at the Universal Law of Discipline, and how it can improve the odds for you getting what you want in life.
![Space What Does It Have To Do With The Laws of Attraction](
Wednesday Dec 02, 2015
Wednesday Dec 02, 2015
Universal Law of Space supports you in the creation and manifestation of things that you are wanting for your life. What the Law of Space provides is the understanding that two things cannot occupy the same space at the same time. So when you are using the Universal Laws of Attraction it’s important to remember this fact. The Universal Law of Space creates room for the attraction energy to flow unimpeded to the point of creation. It also so provides you with the space for you to consciously get clear on what you want for your life as well as a multitude of needed to know things when using the Laws of Attraction. Join me, Dr. Wendy Dearborne choice expert and coach and Olivia Lashley expression coach and artist as we discuss how the Universal Law of Space can support your.