You And The Laws of Attraction

You and The Laws of Attraction is an interactive, informational podcast that demonstrates to you, how to effectively use the Laws of Attraction, every time, to manifest what you want! You will get clarity and understanding on what the individual Laws are and what they can do for you. You will see the power of your spoken word and how you maybe setting into motion things that you don’t want to happen in your life. This podcast is for people who are, serious, about creating the life they want to live. Each show, provides the fundamental elements, which are the keys that unlock the mystery, of how to consciously manifest what you want, on demand. The secret of the law of attraction is understanding the Universal Laws and using them accurately. Join me, Dr. Wendy Dearborne.

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Waiting On God’s Messengers

Wednesday Jul 29, 2015

Wednesday Jul 29, 2015

Have you ever asked God or your chosen deity for something, a sign, anything to let you know what you should do next?  And then waited and waited and waited, and then waited some more for an answer?  An answer that didn’t come, only to realize later that you may have missed it because of how events are unfolding in your life.  Did you know that the Universal Creator uses people, places and things to answer your requests?   So why do we miss out on the answers?   Answers which do come to us, yet we don’t seem to hear them.Join me, Dr. Wendy Dearborne choice expert as I explore why we may be missing out on some of the most important messages in our lives, and what to do to tune in so you’ll hear them.

Wednesday Jul 22, 2015

For as long as man has known him/herself and continues to know him/herself, this burning question, “what is my spiritual pathway?” will to be asked for eons to come.  Spirituality. suggests that it means “the state or quality of being dedicated to God, religion, or spiritual things or values, esp as contrasted with material or immaterial things.” This word encompasses so much, and yet to define it is simply impossible, even when you look in a dictionary. Why is spirituality so hard to define?  Why are people continuously seeking a pathway to spirituality? Join me, Dr. Wendy Dearborne choice expert and Olivia Lashley expression coach & artist as we take a look at spirituality and our pathways to it.

Wednesday Jul 15, 2015

Today’s show is about real talk, real situations and real lives.  Do I, don’t I? What to do.  What not to do. Love, marriage, death, birth, mistakes, nutrition, conscious awareness, spirituality, choices, drugs, divorce illness, relationships, joys, pains are all apart of living.  So we will share our understanding, knowledge and expertise.  We are going to, as I call it, “Picasso Out.”  We’ll be talking on many subjects as they intuitively pop up.Join me, Dr. Wendy Dearborne choice expert and coach and Olivia Lashley expression coach and artist as we sit down and have a fireside chat about life and living it.

Wednesday Jul 08, 2015

Somewhere there has been a huge disconnect between the food we eat and where it comes from.  We have lost the art and understand of the value food brings.  But more importantly we have disconnected from the fact that food by nature of its creation is sentient, making it just as spiritual as you and me.  Like all things including you, food was and has been created on purpose for a purpose.  From texture, to shape, to color, to how and where it is grown plays a vital part how we live our lives.                                                                 "Your body doesn’t give you life: You give your body life."Food isn’t only the purported building block of your life; the food you choose to eat influences the way in which you make your life choices.  And as everything you do for your life is predicated on “choice,” food then become an integral part of your choice making equation.Join me, Dr. Wendy Dearborne, choice expert and coach Olivia Lashley, expression coach and artist as we discuss The Spirituality of Food: The Lost Art of Eating

Wednesday Jul 01, 2015

Setting life goals is all you hear about these days, but how do you know if you have set the right goal for yourself.Part of achieving and succeeding in what you want in life is determined by the goals that you set for yourself or the end result that you want to happen.Many people set goals and in reality they have not set the stage for success.  You may have set some goals for yourself and found that it felt a tad anticlimactic when the goal was achieved. "Is this feeling normal?  Yes!  Far more than you’d think."  So how do you set goals that will allow you to be successful in all areas of your life and not experience that anticlimactic feeling?Join me Dr. Wendy Dearborne, Choice Expert and coach and Olivia Lashley Expression Coach and artist as we look way in which to set your life goals.

Wednesday Jun 24, 2015

It happens all the time, images in black and white or full Technicolor surge to the forefront of your mind making you feel like screaming, crying and curling up into a tiny ball. Words, sounds, the memory of smells, the visceral feelings that you felt, the knowing within your scope of understanding that you know, the visions of past events that you’d rather keep buried or locked in the recesses of your mind.  New and old hurts that you’ve dissected and then catalogued for some sort of future reference…if needed.   The problem is, these catalogued events seem to magically escape the mental lock and key and surge to the forefront of your mind replaying like a horror movie starring you.  This is what I call going down into the rabbit hole of Alice’s wonder-land. I wonder if I said this or I wonder if I did that.  These innocent questions start a chain reaction that compound.  And before you know it, somehow you’ve slipped and the perceived negativity that has happened in the past now runs rampant around your head unchecked, growing in power.  And as a result it becomes the focal point in your mind.  Your perceived negativity can be all consuming, yet it carries within it the answers that you are seeking.  The true understanding that you are wanting, and ironically, the magic you need to move you forward.Join me, Dr Wendy Dearborne choice expert and Olivia Lashley expression coach as we look at the negativity and the benefits that it brings.

How To Find A New Prespective

Wednesday Jun 10, 2015

Wednesday Jun 10, 2015

Finding a new perspective for an old or new troubling situation can be a challenge.  It’s a challenge, because looking at the situation in the same way, from the same vantage point, doesn’t inspire new and creative thinking.   To create a new perspective, you have to take a step away from the situation.  This will enable you to look at it from a slightly different vantage point, or at the very least move around it.  Whatever you choose to do, the requirement is for you to find an answer to your troubling situation. And to achieve that you must do something different.   You may be familiar with the phrase, “I need to take a step back from the situation so I can clear my head!”  What does that really mean to you?  Outside of you wanting change, there is within that driving force something compelling you to do something different.You may have thought to solve your problem that you must change the attitudes, beliefs mindsets etc. of the players involved.  Changing or manipulating people, places and things to your way of thinking.   However, that doesn’t work.  In today’s show we’ll be talking about how to find a new perspective and then act on it!Join me, Dr. Wendy Dearborne choice expert and Olivia Lashley expression coach and artist as we look at finding a new perspective.  

Wednesday Jun 03, 2015

Triage is a medical term that is used to prioritize the urgency in which a medical situations need to be dealt with. This entails visualizing what the end result will be if action isn’t taken based upon what is happening NOW.   Determination of urgency is measured using a prioritizing scale of 1- 3 or 3 - 1. Requires immediate attentionCan be delayed brieflyMinimal intervention needed.  The term triage comes from the French verb trier, meaning to separate, sift or select.  Using this methodology you can apply the basic principle to your life and areas of your life that need to be looked at.  By creating your own personal triage, you can start looking at what needs to be addressed and then you get to choose in which order it’s done.Using the scale from 3 - 1 verses 1 - 3 closes the margin for error.  How?  By separating and selecting what’s not urgent, prevents you from being blindsided, by something you thought was a priority, only to find out later and to your detriment that it wasn’t.Applying a personal life coaching triage to your life isn’t about pointing out what’s wrong or your perceived failures.  It is about the ability to put you directly on the pulse beat of what needs to be done so that you can get to your goal. It allows you to make choices in the best interest of self with speed and efficiency.   So, what’s your life looking like and what needs your attention first?Join me, Dr. Wendy Dearborne choice expert and life coach and Olivia Lashley expression coach and artist as we take a look at how to prioritize your life.

Wednesday May 27, 2015

Saying NO can be the hardest two letter that you can ever utter, and the most empowering.  Saying no to your loved ones, to your children, husband and family and friends is monumentally challenging. Saying no to your employer and work colleagues is challenging also, but from a different stand point, but challenging none the less.  Saying no to people asking for charitable donations and no to the destitute, displaced and homeless asking for money, while standing on the corner with a hand written sign, has another set of challenges, all of which play havoc with your emotions.  Saying no to certain things can be a no-brainer.  No, you cannot have my left and right kidney!  No! I’m not giving you your car keys; you might not be aware of this, but you’re drunk.Within all of this, the irony here is, that the person you find it hardest to utter those two syllables to, and mean it, is yourself.  Saying no can hurt you too, because you know that it’s not what the other person wants to hear and they're hurting. There is nothing that you can do about their hurt, other than to be truthful in who you are.  By empowering you; you empower them.Join me Dr. Wendy Dearborne choice expert and life coach and Olivia Lashley expressions coach and artist as we explore empowerment through saying no.

Wednesday May 20, 2015

This is a fact of life, which sometimes means, you have to implement with the ones that you love.  Within a relationship, family, friends etc sometimes, distance works best.  This should not be interpreted by you to mean that you won't and don't care.  Putting space, even mental space, in between you and people, places and things can sometimes be the wisest course of action for maintaining your sanity and health...and the relationship!Many people find this hard to do for a variety of reasons, however, I have found primarily, it’s because they feel guilty or a sense of duty that compels them to be up close and personal with whomever.   Sometimes you need to love the ones that you love from a distance it’s as simply complex as that.Join me Dr. Wendy Dearborne choice expert and life coach and Olivia Lashley expressions coach and artist as we talk about loving the ones that we love from a distance.

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