You And The Laws of Attraction

You and The Laws of Attraction is an interactive, informational podcast that demonstrates to you, how to effectively use the Laws of Attraction, every time, to manifest what you want! You will get clarity and understanding on what the individual Laws are and what they can do for you. You will see the power of your spoken word and how you maybe setting into motion things that you don’t want to happen in your life. This podcast is for people who are, serious, about creating the life they want to live. Each show, provides the fundamental elements, which are the keys that unlock the mystery, of how to consciously manifest what you want, on demand. The secret of the law of attraction is understanding the Universal Laws and using them accurately. Join me, Dr. Wendy Dearborne.

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Wednesday Aug 07, 2013

That is a million dollar question that is fully loaded.  Last week we spoke about what a life coach does.  This week we’ll look at your role as the client seeking a life coach.    So do you…need a life coach?   As a choice expert and coach, you might be surprised by my answer.  In the interim, there are 10 things that you may want to consider, before you answer that question. Join me Choice Expert Dr. Wendy Dearborne and Expression Coach and Artist Olivia Lashley as we explore the 10 questions that can help you define the support that you are looking for.

Wednesday Jul 31, 2013

So you think you want to be a life coach?  In today’s show we are going to discuss in detail what a life coach does and doesn’t do.  We’ll look at different types of training and examine what it takes to become a certified life coach.  We’ll talk about the earning capacity and establishing a successful coaching practice.  If you have ever thought about becoming a life coach, then this show is a must for you.  Join me Choice Expert, Dr. Wendy Dearborne and Expression Coach and artist Olivia Lashley as we explore a career in life coaching.

The Spirit Within U

Wednesday Jul 24, 2013

Wednesday Jul 24, 2013

Karen Campbell is an amazing woman whose spiritual awakening and journey lead her to the creation of “The Spirit Within U.”  She built a spiritual community learning center right here in Las Vegas and for the global community she established an online learning center.  Her core concept for the Spirit Within U is dedicated to supporting people who are on their own spiritual pathway. Every day people who need a spiritual home, a safe place of learning and understanding, or who just need to find people of like minds she has created a powerful “touch stone” for all who are consciously connecting with self.  Today she will be sharing her amazing story with us of how she found out about The Power of The Spirit Within You.  Join me, Choice Expert Dr. Wendy Dearborne and Expression Coach Olivia Lashley and  Life Coach Karen M Campbell.

How Do I Put Me Back Together?

Wednesday Jul 17, 2013

Wednesday Jul 17, 2013

Your life has shattered into a million different pieces. Divorce, death, disease, disaster disillusionment and disappointment we’ve all experience something in our lives that has left us saying, “this isn’t what I signed up for.”   What happened isn’t what you had expected, you didn’t plan it this way.  But the reality is that it has…and…it did, happen that way and now you are standing in the middle of the debris that IS your life.   How do you put you...your life  back together?  This is a question that keeps the medical health profession and pharmaceuticals in BIG business.  Join me, Choice Expert Dr. Wendy Dearborne and Expression Coach Olivia Lashley as we discuss putting ourselves back together.

The Master Key For Success

Wednesday Jul 10, 2013

Wednesday Jul 10, 2013

You hold the master key for your own success.  The key is simplistic by design and easy to use.  All you need to do is use it.  Your key opens the way for more than personal empowerment or the manifestation of things, which is all a part of using your key. Your key blasts opens the portal between the subconscious and conscious minds.  This gives you direct access to all that you require to attain your highest potential.  Join me, Choice Expert Dr. Wendy Dearborne and Expressions Coach Olivia Lashley as we explore your master key.  

Wednesday Jul 03, 2013

Is it possible that your life story (the current life that you are living) is YOUR personal “who dunnit? designed by you for you to get you want in life?  Who is writing you chapters in your book of life…if not you? Who has written the current script that you are working from?  There is a lesson in every story.  So what is your life story teaching you?  Join me Choice Expert and Life Coach Educator Dr. Wendy Dearborne and Expression Coach & Artist Olivia Lashley as we explore the benefits consciously creating you.

Wednesday Jun 26, 2013

If you choose to drive looking your rear view mirror or get into a vehicle with someone who operates a vehicle like that chances are…you will crash.  Chances are…you will not stay on your pathway.  And chances you will not stay in your lane.  The only way you can experience life is by moving forward.  Whatever you are focused on that is where your forward momentum will carry you.  That’s the direction that you will be moving in. So what are you focused on?  Your destiny or your history? Join me Dr. Wendy Dearborne & Expression Coach Olivia Lashley as we look at forward momentum

How To Stay Positive

Wednesday Jun 19, 2013

Wednesday Jun 19, 2013

Staying positive when your life is evolving in ways that you don’t want can be a challenge.  The loss of a loved one, things, job, self worth etc. you name it all create a paradigm for the spiral downward into our self created abyss. Finding a single technique that can be used for all situations to keep you on track and in alignment with your goals, is the key that you need for attaining and succeeding in life. Join me, Dr. Wendy Dearborne and Expression Coach Olivia Lashley as we look at how to create your personalizedpositivity key.

Are You A Good Neighbor?

Wednesday Jun 12, 2013

Wednesday Jun 12, 2013

Are you good to your neighbor?  Do you even know your neighbor?  Do you know what’s going on in your neighborhood?  Do you speak to your neighbor?  When was the last time you went out of your way to help your neighbor?  And do you know who your closest neighbor is?   As we explore the metaphysical nature of this question, it brings a different perspective to the words, "Thou Shalt Love Thy Neighbor As Thyself." [Roman 13:9] Join me, Dr. Wendy Dearborne and Expression Coach Olivia Lashley as we look what’s going on in your hood!

Wednesday Jun 05, 2013

What do you want people to say about you on your passing?  What kind of conversation do you want to have on your transition or deathbed?  Or when you meet up with the eternal you that never dies.  What conversation do you want to have with you then?  The conversation that you want to have with you or how you desire to be eulogized is predicated on the choices that you are making in your life today, this minute, this second…in the now.  So think about the carbon foot print that you’ll leave behind, because as sure as you are breathing, you will be leaving behind a thread which imbues the essence of you. Join me Dr. Wendy Dearborne and Expression Coach Olivia Lashley as we look at the power of your eulogy.

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