You And The Laws of Attraction
You and The Laws of Attraction is an interactive, informational podcast that demonstrates to you, how to effectively use the Laws of Attraction, every time, to manifest what you want! You will get clarity and understanding on what the individual Laws are and what they can do for you. You will see the power of your spoken word and how you maybe setting into motion things that you don’t want to happen in your life. This podcast is for people who are, serious, about creating the life they want to live. Each show, provides the fundamental elements, which are the keys that unlock the mystery, of how to consciously manifest what you want, on demand. The secret of the law of attraction is understanding the Universal Laws and using them accurately. Join me, Dr. Wendy Dearborne.
![Using The Art of Revision To Change Your Life](
Wednesday Jan 24, 2018
Wednesday Jan 24, 2018
The word revision might have a tendency to conjure up thoughts of endless homework, looking at CliffsNotes or SparksNotes and or days and nights spent swotting for exams. However, when used with the Laws of Attraction the art of revision will catapult your desired manifestation toward you. When consciously revising situations and events that have occurred in your life, puts you in the unique position of being able to decode it, rewrite the script or at the very least not give it any more of your time or energy. Join me, Dr. Wendy Dearborne Choice Expert and Laws of Attraction Coach and Olivia Lashley Expression & Laws of Attraction Coach as we explore ways to revise your life and the potential it has to support your conscious manifestation process.
![Do I Need To Know The Answer To The Question Why Before Moving On?](
Wednesday Jan 17, 2018
Wednesday Jan 17, 2018
Getting mental clarity for reasons you are making the decisions that you do can sometimes be supported by having the question “Why” answered. Gaining the knowledge or knowing “why” has the ability to set you up in various ways, so that you can make a choice to move on or let go. Or it can hold you in bondage. Knowing why, can provide understanding, which may or may not lead to clarity. Just because you acknowledge something doesn’t mean you have true understanding of it. In short “your why” can play a pivotal role in your choice making process. However, it’s been my experience that many people become stuck in their lives because they feel they MUST know the answer to the question “why” before they can make another decision. Yet, I know that not to be true. To move forward, regardless of whether you know the answer to why is a choice. What is most important it’s knowing what you want to do next. Finding the answer to “why” simply brings, and I use these terms loosely, validation, understanding, closure, more questions why and a vicious cycle of wanting to know and putting you right back where you started from.” So, is there any real benefit to asking the question why?Join me Dr. Wendy Dearborne Choice Expert and Laws of Attraction Coach and Oliva Lashley Expression and Laws of Attraction Coach as we look at the value of asking the question why.
![Are Your Life Situations Sending You Important Messages?](
Wednesday Jan 10, 2018
Wednesday Jan 10, 2018
Figuring out the message that your life’s situations are telling you, no matter how joyous or hurtful, is really a process of decoding. For you, it will take practice not to continue to fall into a cycle of emotional highs and lows. Your emotional roller coaster keeps your situations negatively or positively charged, which results in smoking mirrors, uncertainty and confusion. And that can be a challenge when making choices in the best interest of self or making choices to manifest what you want. You need objectivity! Without objectivity it’s virtually impossible to decode your situation. Your decoding process starts with being able to detach emotionally from your situation, yet remain involved enough to be connected. As intrinsic coaches, we call this skill detached involvement. Join me Dr. Wendy Dearborne Choice Expert, and Laws of Attraction coach and Olivia Lashley Expression and Laws of Attraction Coach as we explore the benefits of decoding your life’s situation.
![Will You Pay The Price For What You Want?](
Wednesday Dec 13, 2017
Wednesday Dec 13, 2017
In life there is always a price to pay. The question is, ”Are you willing to pay that price for what you want?” Many people when asked this question assume that payment is in the form of money. Cold, hot, hard soft cash! There is another form of currency and it’s called spiritual currency. It represents the intangible energies that we trade much like money represents the tangibles we trade in. You don’t get something for nothing, even if it appears that way. What are you willing to give to get what you want? Join me Dr. Wendy Dearborne Choice Expert and Olivia Lashley Expression Coach as we take a deeper look at the phenomenon of the Universal Law of Exchange.
![Divine Intervention: What Is It And Can I Get Some?](
Wednesday Dec 06, 2017
Wednesday Dec 06, 2017
Is there such a thing as Divine Intervention and if so what is it, and, better yet, can I have some? Divine intervention is usually ascribed to a miraculous happening. Something that defies scientific explanation and logic. Yet, when witnessed or experienced, we as humans may not understand the mechanics of Divine Intervention, but at an intrinsic level, we get it. We know it to be true. So, how do we go about consciously creating Divine Intervention or miracles in our lives?Join me Dr. Wendy Dearborne Choice Expert and Intrinsic Life Coach and Olivia Lashley Expression Coach and artist as we discuss you and Divine Intervention.
![God, Please Help Me To Fix My Life](
Wednesday Nov 29, 2017
Wednesday Nov 29, 2017
At some stage, we will all arrive at this point in our lives. It’s the point where we are literally crying out to the Universal Creator to “fix it!” Or for the answer to the question, “What must I do next?” Very few of us make it through life, without hitting our preverbal emotional “brick” wall, or, spiraling down into our self created abyss. It matters not whether you believe in God or something greater than self. You see, whether you are a believer, atheist or agnostic when we are crying out into the ethos for HELP; for guidance, comfort, solace and peace, we are all alike. We are looking to the Universal Supply for our salvation, or our solution. We are wanting God or your chosen deity to “Fix It!” The irony with this is in order for you to receive any help, divine or otherwise, you must have an idea of what you want. Solution and salvation are one in the same they are both found within the question and the problem.Join me Dr. Wendy Dearborne Choice Expert and Olivia Lashley Expression Artist as we explore the Universal Creators role in “fixing” our lives.
![Are You Choosing The Right People To Be In Your Life?](
Wednesday Nov 15, 2017
Wednesday Nov 15, 2017
It’s important to choose the people who you allow into your life, wisely and with great care. They have the potential to influence your choices, therefore, influencing how you live your life. The people who you currently mix and mingle with mirror back aspects of your inner beliefs as to who you are. This doesn’t apply to friends; it applies to everyone in your life, including your family and nearest and dearest. Do you like what you see when you look at the people in your life? Is the relationship symbiotic? Are your life stories filled with dramatic parallels and similarities? Is this the adhesive that holds the relationship together? The people in your life can show you four things,Where you’ve been.Where you are now.Where you don’t want to go.Where you can go.What are the people in your life showing you? Join me Dr. Wendy Dearborne Choice and Laws of Attraction Coach & Expert and Olivia Lashley Expression Coach & Artist as we explore you and the people in your life.
![Wow How Did I Get To This Point In My Life?](
Wednesday Nov 08, 2017
Wednesday Nov 08, 2017
More often than not, we have a tendency to move through life, almost, as if we are flying by the seat of our pants or being dragged along. We find ourselves in situations and places that leave us trying to figure, “how did this happen? Or how did I get here?” In order for your life to manifest the car, house, relationship, money, career, health etc., the way in which you want it to, you must first figure out what you want and then ask for it. In life we don’t get what we want, we get what we believe. This understanding is crucial for us to use our abilities to consciously manifest what we want.Join me Dr. Wendy Dearborne as we explore consciously getting what you want.
![Are You Living In A Emotional Haunted House?](
Wednesday Nov 01, 2017
Wednesday Nov 01, 2017
If your past is holding you back, you are haunting yourself. If you are living in your past, you are haunting yourself. If you are trying to change your past you are haunting yourself. If you are doing anything that doesn’t serve you and support you living at your highest potential you are living inside your head in a haunted house. To haunt means: to visit habitually or regularly. Is this you? Are you habitually visiting your past…on a regular basis?Join me Dr. Wendy Dearborne Choice Expert and Intrinsic Laws of Attraction Coach and Olivia Lashley Expression Coach and Artist as we look at the ghosts that maybe holding you back.
![Can I Experience More Abundance In My Life?](
Wednesday Oct 25, 2017
Wednesday Oct 25, 2017
This is a question that many people ask themselves, “Can my life be more abundant?” Typically, when people speak of abundance, they associate it with money and the things that money can bring. In fact, most metaphysical/spiritual teachers teach from that perspective, for you to experience abundance you must have money. Affluence is the monetary segment of the Abundance wheel, but by no means is it the greatest portion. And this is where many people become stuck. Not realizing that abundance is all things that matter to us and things we don’t even realize matter. states that the word abundance means extremely plentiful, copious amounts. It also is an infinite energetic supply to which we all have an account, debit card and checkbook. Do you know what to do so your life can be more abundant? Do you know how to use your debit card or how to write a Universal check? Join me Dr. Wendy Dearborne, Choice Expert and Intrinsic Coach and Olivia Lashley Expression Coach and Artist as we take our first look at abundance and how it shows up in our lives.Join our Facebook Group Visit our website: https://thelawsofattractioninaction.comCheckout YouTube: